John Wesley - 'The best of all is GOD IS WITH US'

Does the UK Government “Do God”?

An independent review has declared that life in the UK would be very different indeed were it not for the huge contribution made by people of faith and leaders of worship. It says: "imagine if churches and other places of worship removed their time, money and creativity from public life? What would happen to Foodbanks or parent and toddler groups? What about the army of volunteer chaplains in prisons, hospitals, universities? What about those volunteers who faithfully visit the sick or the lonely? Or care for the housebound? How could the government ever afford to replace what people of faith do for free?”

The review looked at over 21,000 responses, hundreds of hours of interviews, follow ups to all kinds of people on all walks of life, from people in faith-based organisations to civil servants.

What did it conclude? That a Faith Partnership Charter should be an enacted between councils and places of worship by the end of December 2023. And it called for the government to expand the role of the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy. It’s well worth a look on the government website and on the Methodist Church one too!